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Bienvenue à l'Église du Peuple de Dieu  Welcome to Peoples Church of God

Church Cross
Family Portrait 5
Home: Join Us
Image by Joshua Eckstein

Join us  on

Sundays for our weekly  Worship Service




Due to COVID-19, we will be meeting online until further notice.


Meeting ID/Numero de la réunion:

843 6284 8817

on Zoom


At PCGM, we are a growing ministry  that is multi-lingual, seeking to be a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic church. We are the PEOPLE of God! This means everybody!


We sing in French, English, Haitian-Kreyol, Spanish and more! We are looking to grow our worship team ministry! If you are a singer, piano or keyboard player, guitar or percussion who has a relationship with God through Jesus-Christ, there is room for you! Please  leave us a note in the Contact Us area  if you are interested in serving in the worship ministry. We welcome new talented gifted worship leaders!!

Sunday School

At PCG, children matter! We work hard to make sure children know they are valued by God and by the adults of our growing congregation. Children are encouraged to listen alongside everyone else, serve appropriately, participate in worship through robust singing, lifting up of the hands, Bible reading, learning and even testifying (sharing) about God's goodness in their lives! During Sunday school, a healthy snack is given as Bible stories are passionately told, reenacted and memory verses encouraged.

Image by Zach Vessels

PCGMissions to H a ï t i

One of our passions at Peoples Church of God (PCG) is being involved in the mission of God internationally. With the Haïtian connection, PCG has a heart for the country of Haïti and has been involved in this mission for over a decade in this work. To learn more about how to be involved, please visit

Assisting and supporting many schools

  • Supporting teachers and schools all year-round

  • Providing summer or springbreak short-term mission trip for adults and students a like

  • Summers - 10 to 15 days  in Service  to the Children of Haïti

About Us - Our Vision

Église du Peuple de Dieu|Peoples Church of God is open to worshipers of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. We believe when Jesus said ''I will build my Church'', he meant that he had one church where everyone would be welcome regardless of creed, race or language spoken. Our vision is to share God's grace and love with all  humanity.


We lead our congregation in vibrant worship of the Lord Most High, deepening our connection to God, growing in our understanding of the teachings of Christ, and ultimately calling us to an alive and genuine faith that leads to making a difference in our communities and city.

Home: About

Weekly Prayer Together

Tuesday evenings from

8:00pm - 8:55pm

Join us on the Prayer Conference Phone Line:


Access code: 5897796#

Join us in the ministry of prayer as we purpose to grow in the spiritual disciplines of weekly prayer and pray for the peace of our neighborhoods, cities, schools, place of employments - our communities and families.  We pray for God's purposes, love and hope in the midst of spiritual darkness, emotional and mental illness, financial troubles, family troubles. God cares about humanity and wants to be involved in the details of our lives to bring about transformation, change and healing.



Praying Together_edited.jpg

Our Community:



the late Pastor Gesner Ernest & Pastor Lamercie F. Ernest



The leadership behind Église du Peuple de Dieu|Peoples Church of God has a long, proud history of serving the people and Body of Christ in the metropolitan of Montreal. Through the dedication of our leadership, members and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message of love, hope and eternal life, in the midst of hardship in what is often a dark world.


Contact us today to find out more about becoming part of the Église du Peuple de Dieu|Peoples Church of God community.

Home: About
Pastor Medad Ernest, Teaching Pastor
Mike Plummer, Wednesday Night
Bible Study Teacher

“I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her.”


Home: Quote

Contact Us

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 by Église du Peuple de Dieu - Peoples Church of God.

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